Revista de Investigación Educativa y Deportiva





Volumen 3  



Número 7




Director: Ph.D. Richar Posso Pacheco




Editora en Jefe: Ph.D.(c) Susana Paz Viteri

Coordinador Editorial: Ph.D. (c) Josue Marcillo Ñacato

Coordinadora Comité Científico: Ph.D. Laura Barba Miranda

Coordinadora Comité de Editores: Msc. María Gladys Cóndor Chicaiza

Coordinador del Consejo de Revisores: Msc. José Julio Lara Reimundo


Enhancing football skills using demonstration learning techniques






* M. Said Zainuddin


** Arifuddin Usman


***Muhammad Kamal


****Akbar Sudirman4






Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

























The present study aims to investigate the phenomenon under examination systematically and rigorously. This project aims to enhance students' Physical Education, Health, and Recreation (PJOK) learning outcomes, specifically in Football. Classroom action research is a pedagogical approach aimed at enhancing the learning process by addressing and resolving challenges encountered by instructors within the classroom setting.  These findings provide evidence of an increase in student activity. The data about enhancing student learning outcomes reveals that the initial data yielded an average score of 57. Subsequently, the class average increased to 71 on the first daily exam and improved to 86 on the second daily test. The study's findings indicate that using the demonstration approach yields positive outcomes, enhancing football skills.

Keywords: football skills, demonstration approach, learning outcomes.



Currently, the realm of sports assumes a significant role in national advancement, as it serves as a medium for fostering international ties. Competition and rivalries among nations are evident across numerous sporting arenas. The government anticipates that sports serve to enhance physical well-being and a way of life within every community. As a result, the government has implemented sports instruction at an early stage, specifically by incorporating physical education into the curriculum of primary schools (Sugianto, 2022).

Physical education (PE) serves as a platform for fostering a wholesome lifestyle, facilitating the cultivation of physical stability and motor abilities among pupils (Mwangi et al., 2022). In addition, physical education can enhance fitness levels and several aspects associated with movement. According to (Mwangi et al., 2022), physical education is an educational procedure that incorporates physical and health activities to develop movement, fitness, critical thinking abilities, and social and emotional capabilities. The field of physical education encompasses a variety of sports, including long jump, relay running, Football, gymnastics, swimming, and various more.

In physical education, teachers must possess practical instructional delivery skills. Proficiency in comprehending the subject matter is a crucial determinant in the efficacy of a teacher's role as a facilitator for pupils, enabling them to apply acquired knowledge effectively (Sugianto, 2022; Posso-Pacheco et al., 2024). Pupils' academic achievement can serve as a metric for evaluating a school's performance and enhancing its overall educational standards. The measure of student learning success can be observed through the attainment of learning outcomes, which refer to the accomplishments individuals gain as a result of their learning progress. Learning outcomes are the culmination of the learning process, which is influenced by several internal and external factors (Öberg & Nouri, 2021).

This physical education curriculum encompasses a range of topics, including Football. Football is a competitive activity involving two teams that utilize a sizable ball throughout gameplay. According to (Zainuddin et al., 2023), Football is a sport that involves two teams, with each team comprised of eleven individuals.

Football is mainly conducted on the pitch, making it conducive to instruction through the display technique. According to (Zainuddin et al., 2023), the demonstration learning approach involves presenting learning material by demonstrating and illustrating a particular process or activity. This football learning material was selected based on the researchers' recognition of Football as a suitable benchmark for learning activities and student results in Physical Education and Health (PJOK). The overall completeness of the learning outcomes of Physical Education and Health (PJOK) students at SD Negeri 84, Mangarabombang, Sinjai needs to be improved.

One prevalent issue encountered in the educational process is the subpar learning outcomes exhibited by students. Researchers at SD Negeri 84, Mangarabombang, Sinjai have identified that the average student learning outcomes still need to be completed. Consequently, the researchers have implemented a demonstration learning model to enhance students' football skills. This study aimed to enhance pupils' football proficiency in SD Negeri 84, Mangarabombang, Sinjai.

Demonstration Technique

The demonstration technique is a pedagogical approach that involves the presentation and illustration of concepts, principles, or procedures using practical examples or:

The display learning method is an instructional approach involving presenting or exhibiting a subject matter, issues, or activities to facilitate the teaching and learning process. According to (Wulandari, 2021), using demonstrations as a pedagogical approach elucidates and expounds upon a given subject matter while providing students with a direct experience of the process or practice being taught.

The demonstration learning method facilitates effective communication between educators and learners, enabling students to acquire knowledge by observing and comprehending the processes or activities demonstrated by their teachers (Simon et al., 2020). The demonstration technique facilitates active engagement between educators and learners, enhancing students' comprehension of the subject matter through visual observation of teachers' practical application.

Definition of Football

Football, often known as association football, is played between two teams of eleven players. It is widely regarded as the most popular sport in the world. Football is a popular sport characterized by a large spherical ball played by two teams, each including eleven players. According to (Zainuddin et al., 2023), Football is a sport that involves two teams, with each team comprised of eleven individuals. According to (Utama et al., 2019), football has various fundamental techniques. These techniques include:

1.         Passing in Football refers to the skillful execution of kicking and transferring the ball to a teammate using the foot, explicitly targeting specific areas, or employing the inside of the foot.

2.         The skill of dribbling is a fundamental technique in various sports, particularly in basketball and soccer. Dribbling involves maintaining control of the technique, which refers to proficiency in executing precise ball control and maintaining possession through adept dribbling skills.

3.         Heading is a technique employed in the sport of Football to get possession of the ball or direct it using the head.

4.         Shooting is a fundamental technique players employ to propel the ball directly toward the goal with either the feet or the head.

Learning Outcomes

 The learning outcomes refer to the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that students are expected to acquire or demonstrate as a result of their learning outcomes. It can be defined as the acquired abilities of students that result from a series of reflections and enhancements within the educational process. According to Sudjana, as cited in (Nuriyah, 2016), the concept of learning outcomes refers to the values and abilities that students acquire via the process of reflection on their learning experiences and implementing corrective learning strategies.

Learning outcomes are a dynamic process including the modification of behavior, which ultimately culminates in students' overall attainment of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, these results serve as a reliable measure of student competency, as shown by Mulyasa in the work of (Noviana & Huda, 2018). Based on the explanations above, learning outcomes refer to transforming student behavior, encompassing their values and skills. These changes manifest after the enhancement and introspection of the learning process, ultimately resulting in students' enhanced proficiency in the domain of learning.



The research method employed in this study is a crucial aspect that warrants careful consideration and discussion. This study employs the methodology of classroom action research to enhance and improve the educational process or instructional activities within a school setting. The participants of this study consisted of 20 individuals, specifically SD Negeri 84, Mangarabombang, Sinjai. Among these participants, there were 15 male students and five female students. Class action research encompasses multiple steps, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection, as Riyadi (2016) outlined.

All necessary materials and resources for the learning practice are prepared during the planning stage. Subsequently, the implementation stage involves the application of the demonstration method in the learning process. Following this, the observation stage entails the researcher's observation of both teacher's and students' teaching and learning activities. Lastly, the reflection stage involves the administration of a daily or final assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the calculation of data analysis about instructor and student activities in this study can be performed:

Table 1

Categorization of Teacher and Student Activities in Intervals






Very Good








Less than 50


The calculation of student learning outcome improvement can be determined by utilizing the subsequent formula, which compares data prior to and following the implementation of an activity (Sources: Zainal Aqib, 2011).



Analysis of Teacher Observation Results

The teacher activity observations were analyzed using data analysis approaches that involved direct observations during the teaching and learning process. The collected data was then processed using the formula outlined in the research methodology. The table below displays the data obtained from the study of instructor activity observations

Table 2

Percentage of Teacher Activity in Cycle I and II




















The provided table illustrates the progressive augmentation of teacher engagement seen during two cycles, including four meetings after implementing the demonstration learning approach, and during the initial meeting of Cycle I, the teacher activity data indicated a performance level of 50% in the insufficient category. However, in the subsequent cycle, there was a rise in teacher activity, reaching 57%, which was still defined as being in the sufficient group. Additionally, during cycle II, the teacher activity in meeting III was 62.5% in the excellent category. Subsequently, in the fourth meeting, there was a notable improvement in the teacher's activity, with an increase of 80% in the excellent category. Upon analyzing the incremental growth seen throughout each session, it becomes apparent that implementing the demonstrative learning approach enhances the learning process, particularly in the context of teacher engagement.

Analysis of Student Observation Results

Student activity observations were analyzed using data analysis methodologies, which involved direct observations during the teaching and learning process. The collected data was then processed using the formula outlined in the research methodology. The data obtained from the analysis of student activity observations is presented in the table below.

Table 3

Percentage of Student Activities in Cycle I and Cycle II


















Very Good

The table illustrates the progressive growth in student engagement seen throughout two cycles, including four meetings each, after implementing the demonstration learning approach. In the initial meeting of the cycle I, the student activity data indicated a 45% performance level falling within the insufficient category. Subsequently, in the second cycle, there was an increase in student activity, reaching 52%, which was deemed sufficient. In the third meeting of cycle II, the student activity level rose to 64%, indicating a good performance. Finally, in the fourth meeting, there was a significant improvement in student activity, reaching 84.5%, which was classified as excellent. Upon analyzing the incremental growth observed during each session, it becomes apparent that the demonstration learning approach significantly enhances the learning process, particularly student engagement. This is due to the student's preference for the instructional method employed by the teacher, wherein they gain firsthand exposure to the teacher's demonstrations or displays within the context of a football.

The examination of learning outcomes

Examining student learning outcomes following the implementation of the demonstration method in education involves administering daily assessments in a two-cycle format, with each cycle consisting of two daily tests. Practical examinations are administered daily to assess pupils' proficiency in fundamental football skills, including passing, dribbling, shooting, and heading techniques. The table below presents the data about student learning results.

Table 4

Improvement in Student Learning Outcomes








Initial Data





The daily assessment I



The daily assessment II


The table presented above illustrates a notable improvement in student learning outcomes. Specifically, the initial data indicates an average student learning outcome value of 57. Following the implementation of the demonstration technique, a noticeable improvement is observed in the average student learning outcomes for daily test I, which stands at 71 with a corresponding percentage of 24.5%. Undoubtedly, this development has yielded a favorable influence on the learning process. In order to assess the efficacy of the demonstration above approach, a second daily exam was administered. The results of this test revealed that the average student learning outcomes were 86, corresponding to a percentage of 50.8%. Based on an analysis of the learning outcomes data, implementing the demonstration approach can potentially enhance the learning outcomes of sixth-grade students in the Physical Education and Health (PJOK) class at SDN 003 Pulau Kopung.


The present study is a class action research endeavor to enhance and optimize learning activities within the classroom setting. In this study, the researchers employ the demonstration learning method as an instructional approach. This choice was motivated by the method's ability to facilitate students' comprehension of the subject matter through direct observation of the teacher's presentation. According to Suparmi et al. (2012), the demonstration method is an instructional approach that engages teachers and student groups in showcasing a process or action to enable all students to watch and experience the process.

Using demonstrative methods in physical education (PE) instruction is highly efficacious. This is particularly evident in PE lessons focused on Football, where a practical application on the pitch outweighs theoretical instruction. According to Wakidi et al. (2014), Football is a popular sport that involves two teams competing against each other on a spacious pitch. Hence, through the demonstration method, the dissemination of football-related content to students becomes more accessible, facilitating their comprehension. This is primarily because the demonstration method entails the teacher's direct implementation of football tactics during gameplay. In order to enhance students' comprehension and practical application of the subject matter, it is essential to ensure that students can grasp the content effectively and engage in hands-on learning experiences.

The effectiveness of employing the demonstration method in physical education instruction is evident through the heightened levels of engagement exhibited by both teachers and students. In the most recent session, teacher involvement substantially improved, reaching 80% in the satisfactory range. Similarly, student participation experienced a notable enhancement during the final meeting, achieving an impressive 84.5% in the excellent category. Furthermore, the demonstration technique's efficacy is evident in the observed improvement in average student learning outcomes following each session. The mean student learning outcomes were recorded in the initial dataset as 57. Subsequently, a reflective learning process was undertaken, wherein data was gathered through administering daily tests on two occasions. Following the first daily test, the average student learning outcomes exhibited an increase of 71, corresponding to a percentage change of 24.5%. Similarly, after the second daily test, the average student learning outcomes displayed a further increase of 86, representing a percentage change of 50.8%.

Upon examination of the data above, it is evident that using the demonstration method in education can facilitate students' comprehension of a given topic or subject matter. This is primarily because, through the demonstration method, students can directly observe and witness the practical application of various fundamental techniques within the context of Football. Consequently, this visual and experiential approach enables students to grasp and internalize the concepts elucidated by the teacher more readily.


Based on the findings of the research, it can be inferred that the use of instructional techniques employing the demonstrative approach yields enhanced physical education learning outcomes among sixth-grade students at SDN 003 Pulau Kopung, located in the Sentajo Raya sub-district of Kuantan Singing Regency. The demonstration approach facilitates students' comprehension of the subject matter and learning objectives, fostering increased engagement and creativity during the learning process.

The study's findings encompass multiple data collection methodologies, including implementing observation and administering daily assessments twice daily. The demonstrative approach in physical education instruction can enhance student learning outcomes and foster more effective teacher-student engagement during the teaching and learning process.




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