Leadership Style of the principal with the Organizational Culture and the Performance of the Students of the First Cycle of the Secondary Level of District 03 01 of the Urban Area of Azua, Dominican Republic


  • Mayory Evalin Pujols Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana, República Dominicana https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7698-9263




Education, leadership styles, organizational culture, educational institutions, secondary level students


The general objective of this study is designed to analyze the Leadership Style of the director with the Organizational Culture and the Performance of the Students of the First Cycle of the Secondary Level of District 03 01 of the Urban Area of Azua, Dominican Republic. It was limited to the qualitative paradigm, due to the absence of quantitative references. The research was documentary, which allowed an exploration of the Redalyc, Dialnet, Google Academic and SciELO databases. 82 works were reviewed, and a purification was carried out and five (5) sources were obtained and analyzed. Among the most important results it can be mentioned that leadership is a function that has been transformed into an organizational culture in most educational institutions. And in the conclusions, according to the analyzed references, there is an important impact on managerial performance and institutional leadership on the academic results of students in the first cycle of secondary education in the Dominican Republic. The approaches of the theories refer to the fact that institutional leadership has been transformed into a culture where communication and the effort to seek quality training processes prevail, where the contributions from the coordinations, and the roles of the teachers.


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Author Biography

Mayory Evalin Pujols, Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana, República Dominicana

Docente del Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana,

República Dominicana


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How to Cite

Evalin Pujols, M. (2023). Leadership Style of the principal with the Organizational Culture and the Performance of the Students of the First Cycle of the Secondary Level of District 03 01 of the Urban Area of Azua, Dominican Republic. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 2(2Especial), 1305–1322. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v2i2Especial.6985



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