Onomatopoeia to Counter Speech Disorders in Early Childhood of Children Raised in Dysfunctional Homes





childhood, onomatopoeia, dysfunctional, context, imitation and strategy


When talking about speech disorders, reference is made to the deficient development of the language and communication that the student processes within the context in which he or she develops, skills that are affected by a hostile upbringing environment, and produce difficulties in communicating their needs, becoming passive adults in the future, therefore, the research analyzes onomatopoeia as an active, dynamic and stimulating strategy in the development of speech in early childhood children because it encourages and attracts the attention of the student in learning through The imitation of sounds specific to the context, thus, this imitation strengthens the exercise of speech organs, allowing awareness of sounds; Since children imitate, adjust and produce what they hear while they entertain themselves and talk. Therefore, the research is qualitative-quantitative with an observation and measurement methodology by extracting first-source data prepared by the researchers themselves with the help of observation sheets to highlight the problem and the checklist to analyze the scope of the problem. Onomatopoeia, then, explains the level of improvement they have with respect to promoting speech in those children who have grown up in hostile environments.


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Author Biographies

Katherine Andrango Flores, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Edison Rene Fueres Lita, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Student of the Basic Education program at the Central University of Ecuador


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How to Cite

Andrango Flores, K., & Fueres Lita, E. R. (2024). Onomatopoeia to Counter Speech Disorders in Early Childhood of Children Raised in Dysfunctional Homes. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 3(8), 719–735. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v3i8.7813



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