Exploring the positive impact of role-playing in early childhood





Role- playing, Language skills, creativity, Basic education


Education is a process that favors the intellectual and emotional development of all people within a society, highlighting that over the years there are several modifications in the educational curriculum as well as in the methodological strategies and resources that the teacher must use in the classroom. The research group was based on classroom observations made throughout the pre-professional practices, identifying important problems that are generated in the classroom and that have considerably affected the teaching and learning process, especially focusing on the area of Language and Literature. Therefore, the objective of this research is to optimize creativity through role-playing in second childhood children, the same that presented a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative), the type was applied, presenting an explanatory level and the statistical model was chosen by the Chi square, whose purpose was to obtain results to subsequently establish the relationship that occurred between the two variables, therefore it was evidenced that proposing role-playing in second childhood to promote creativity and language skills is optimal in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Dayanna |Mishell Flores Buitrón, Central University of Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Edison Rene Fueres Lita , Central University of Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Angie Nayeli González Malput, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Adriana Belén Macas Rosario, Central University of Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador


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How to Cite

Flores Buitrón, D. |Mishell, Fueres Lita , E. R., González Malput, A. N., & Macas Rosario, A. B. (2024). Exploring the positive impact of role-playing in early childhood. MENTOR Journal of Educational and Sports Research, 3(8), 419–436. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v3i8.7855