LEOTECA As a Social Learning Network Between Teachers and Parents to Promote Reading Habits





digital era, teachers, parents l, Habits


Promoting reading habits is an objective that both teachers and parents should consider in order to educate children, in addition to involving a strategic means to achieve it both at school and at home from an early age. But, the scarce information makes this skill limited, preventing it from actively accompanying the student; Therefore, the research objective is to demonstrate that reading habits from early childhood can be promoted through the Social Learning Network “Leoteca.” This research is of the Applied-Microsocial type, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, the technique used is the survey with its instrument the questionnaire, applied one for teachers and another for parents. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used, yielding a reliability value of 83.4% in the teacher survey and 75.8% in the parent survey. For the analysis, the SPSS Statistics 25 Statistical Software was used, applying the Chi square statistical model, to test a hypothesis according to the relationship between the variables, obtaining results < 0.05 in the significant relationships, approving the alternative hypotheses (Ha). Finally, a correlation of results was made, demonstrating that Leoteca supports the promotion of reading habits.


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Author Biographies

Katherine Mishell Andrango Flores, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Samanta Anahí Morales Tuarez, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Estudiante de la Universidad Central del Ecuador carrera de educación básica.


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How to Cite

Andrango Flores, K. M., & Morales Tuarez, S. A. (2024). LEOTECA As a Social Learning Network Between Teachers and Parents to Promote Reading Habits. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 3(8), 477–496. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v3i8.7903