STEM education: fostering the development of research processes in basic education


  • Andrea Nicole Bagua Shuguli Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador
  • Leonado Javier Landi Tamayo Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador



Digital platform, innovation, STEM, research


Currently the use of digital platforms in education has increased and along with it the importance that its implementation involves in different processes, such as projects in science, technology, engineering and mathematics or STEM. In this sense, this article aims to promote the use of digital platforms in STEM research processes through Science Buddies. For this purpose, a logical-deductive research was conducted with a mixed approach, which used a literature search and the application of a survey to 70 teachers of Basic Education whose analysis was through two statistical models: chi-square which allowed accepting or rejecting hypotheses; and factor analysis whose KMO was 0.838; following a reliability result of 0.905 in Cronbach's Alpa, relying entirely on SPSS software. Among the results it was obtained that there is a close relationship between the use of digital platforms and the teaching-learning processes, emphasizing the investigative processes in STEM, therefore, teachers consider that a digital platform allows them to incorporate active methodologies, for an innovative application in the classroom and thus achieve meaningful learning.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Nicole Bagua Shuguli, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador

Leonado Javier Landi Tamayo, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito-Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador


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How to Cite

Bagua Shuguli, A. N., & Landi Tamayo, L. J. (2024). STEM education: fostering the development of research processes in basic education. MENTOR Journal of Educational and Sports Research, 3(9), 1110–1129.


