Popular games and psychomotor development in children with Down Syndrome: Systematic Review





popular games, psychomotor skills, Physical Education, Down syndrome


Popular games (JP) are recreational activities rooted in culture that strengthen children's psychomotor development through the development of motor and cognitive skills. Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition that affects the motor and cognitive development of children. The objective of this study is to analyze the theoretical postulates on how JP contribute to the psychomotor development of children with DS. The methodology that will be used will be a systematic review of twenty-two bibliographic sources published in the period between 2016 and 2024, using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) method. The search and analysis of relevant scientific literature will be carried out in specialized databases, using specific search terms and predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show that JP are essential for the psychomotor and cognitive development of children with DS, improving their motor, cognitive and social skills, helping children to better understand their body and environment. However, the lack of specialized intervention and support in educational and family environments prevents it from being used as a recreational method, being vital for its comprehensive development and quality of life.


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Author Biography

Carolina Rezabala Andi, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador

Universidad Central del Ecuador. Quito-Ecuador



How to Cite

Rezabala Andi, C. (2024). Popular games and psychomotor development in children with Down Syndrome: Systematic Review. MENTOR Journal of Educational and Sports Research, 3(9), 1366–1386. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v3i9.8222



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