The post pandemic: a reflection for education


  • Ph.D. Richar Posso Pacheco Central University of Ecuador



Pandemic, Education, teaching role, methodology, learning


If the pandemic left something good, it is knowing that teachers can be creative and innovative, something that was believed to be lost in the exit profile of the professionalization career; but not only that, but also knowing that they are researchers and that they adapt to changes; In short, COVID 19 brought out the best in teachers who had to be trained and updated according to the needs and demands of the remote educational context. With this background, it was proposed to reflect on how education will develop in the post-pandemic, taking into account what happened at the educational level from March 2020 to the present from an integral vision as an educator in the Latin American context.


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Author Biography

Ph.D. Richar Posso Pacheco, Central University of Ecuador

Professor at the Central University of Ecuador


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How to Cite

Posso Pacheco, R. J. (2022). The post pandemic: a reflection for education. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 1(1), 1–6.