Transformational leadership and educational management: its impact on the results obtained by educational institutions


  • Mónica Natacha Escanio De León Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana, República Dominicana



Education, transformational leadership, educational management, educational institutions


The general objective of this research was to analyze transformational leadership and educational management and its impact on the results obtained by educational institutions. It addresses management styles and the changes that occur from the management levels. It was immersed in the qualitative paradigm, since there are no numerical positions or references. The type of research was documentary, where the Redalyc, Dialnet, Google Scholar and SciELO databases were reviewed. The technique used was the bibliographic review of 85 works that allowed the selection of five (5) documentary references. Among the most important results, it can be mentioned that transformational leadership is an orientation to update and modify the role of educational institutions. In the conclusions, the following indications were followed: Transformational leadership is a management option that is attached to the search for space to produce changes in favor of the institution, seeking to break with monotonies, and improving the services provided. Educational management is closely related to the results of the school institutions, in the sense that, if there is good management, evidently the educational services provided will be up to the demands of the users, and this gives meaning to a new type of management.


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Author Biography

Mónica Natacha Escanio De León, Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana, República Dominicana

Docente del Ministerio de Educación, República Dominicana,

República Dominicana


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How to Cite

Escanio De León, M. N. (2023). Transformational leadership and educational management: its impact on the results obtained by educational institutions. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 2(2Especial), 1339–1356.



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