¿And what is that called Physical Education? And approach to contextualization


  • Daniel Stiven Cuervo Jiménez Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana




Physical education, curriculum, trends, content


This article reflects some analyzes on the currents of physical education, its contents developed in the school environment and provides an analysis of conjunctures between the textual elements that support the area and the praxis of physical education itself. It intends to build an overview of the trends in physical education as an orientation guide for physical educators, the study will be carried out under the Prisma methodology, seeking literary review and justifying from it; This review arises as a problem of ignorance of the fundamentals of the physical education area in the teachers of the Dominican Republic, therefore, the task of generating epistemic constructs around said need is given.


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Author Biography

Daniel Stiven Cuervo Jiménez, Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana

Ministerio de Educación de República Dominicana


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How to Cite

Cuervo Jiménez, D. S. (2024). ¿And what is that called Physical Education? And approach to contextualization. MENTOR Revista De investigación Educativa Deportiva, 3(8), 526–546. https://doi.org/10.56200/mried.v3i8.7837



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